Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Siesta!

Do you know what I like about summer time?
1. It's being able to sleep late, 
wake up late, and sleep after lunch time - "siesta".
2. It's being able to choose not to do anything!
I just love it!


Taking SIESTA or POWER NAPPING after lunch is beneficial too!

S - strengthens our heart
I - ignites our learning
E - energizes our body
S - sparks our brain
T - tames our tongue (lol)
A - antidote to stress

Sad thing is we can't do this while at work 
(unless you lock yourself in a room, or rest room, and 
make sure nobody sees you!).

Great thing is now I have the whole summer to do it! :))

Yay for summer!


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